Weekly Angel Message - Sept 13, 2021

Weekly Angel Message - Sept 13, 2021

Hi friends! 
I know it's pretty late for the Angel message - I've finally beaten back the migraine that has been ailing me since Saturday night!
Today's angel message is:
With all of the changes in the world, but also in ourselves over the past year and change, many of us may find that we no longer feel the same way about a lot of things. In this case, friendships that you have or have had may be changing. And the angels say "That's ok!" Know that change is inevitable but the angels are supporting you and your friends through whatever changes you may be going through. They are also assisting you to transition to new friends that may be more aligned with your new self! Maybe you are becoming a friend to yourself - a form of self love - and that is beautiful!

No matter what change you are experiencing with your friendships in life, the angels want you to know that they are constantly there for you. You don't need to feel guilty about the changes and instead look at it as a new time for growth and evolving into your true self. 

To support you through any changes and open your heart to friendships, new and old:
Our special tumbled gemstone mix for LOVE:
Joy's Angelic Tumbled Stone Mix for LOVE! - 5 pcs.Rose Quartz & Prehnite are so heart healing and opening you to love. Pink tourmaline helps release fear and anxiety (especially around changes), and Green Opal helps us to move forward. The Cradle of Humankind helps us to connect to everyone and remember that we're all one family!

And our bead mix for Motivation and Energy. It's ok to change and grow! It's a part of life and moving forward. 
Joy's Angelic Gemstone Bead Mix for Motivation and Energy! - 22 pcs.Hope you all have a beautiful week! We'll highlight our mixes in the coming blog posts!

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1 comment

This gorgeous message truly did come on wings…Mahalo guardian Angel, mahalo spirit guides, Mahalo nui loa o ke Akua…Friendship that is unconditional and pure in Spirit is for many lifetimes of joy..mahalo Joy, mahalo Bead Gallery💞💞💞Always n ever…

Mason Chung

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